
Jamie Routledge

Royal Hybrid® seed

向日葵种植者通过我们的优质种子综合计划获得成功, agronomic resources and marketing expertise.

For more than half a century, CHS has researched, developed, tested and distributed its own hybrid sunflower seeds. CHS将杂交育种的重点放在提高糖果种植种子的产量和性能上,同时满足世界各地葵花籽消费者对质量的要求和不断变化的口味.

Royal Hybrid® varieties

Royal Hybrid® 8D310
  • Conoil sunflower
  • Dehull contracts available with CHS
  • Flexibility into oil and bird food markets
  • Clearfield hybrid
  • Good plantability and emergence
  • High yield potential
    Mid-maturity (120 days to physiological maturity)
  • Recommended planting rate: 17,000-20,000 plants per acre
Royal Hybrid® 1121
  • Confection sunflower
  • Good plantability
  • Excellent yield potential and stability (long history)
  • Strong performance in stressed environments
  • Mid-maturity (120 days to physiological maturity)
  • Recommended planting rate: 14,000-18,000 plants per acre
Royal Hybrid® 609 CLP
  • Confection sunflower
  • Clearfield Plus hybrid
  • Very good Clearfield tolerance
  • Improved weed control with MSO
  • Good plantability
  • Very uniform at flowering
  • High yield potential
  • Mid-maturity (119 days to physiological maturity)
  • Recommended planting rate: 14,000-18,000 plants per acre
Royal Hybrid® 208 EX
  • Confection sunflower
  • DuPont ExpressSun hybrid
  • Good plantability and emergence
  • Excellent plant health
  • Good stalk strength
  • Early-mid maturity (118 days to physiological maturity)
  • Recommended planting rate: 14,000-18,000 plants per acre
Royal Hybrid® 207 EX
  • Confection sunflower (long type)
  • DuPont ExpressSun hybrid
  • Good emergence
  • Excellent plant health
  • Early-mid maturity (119 days to physiological maturity)
  • Recommended planting rate: 13,000-16,000 plants per acre

Seed research and development

CHS是唯一一家拥有自己的杂交种子部门的大型加工商, 由种子遗传学专家组成,并配有全面的苗圃, greenhouse and laboratory facilities. Year after year, 我们对数千辆混合动力车进行了严格的实验室测试和现场试验,以便根据客户输入和市场需求微调出最理想的特性. Traits like rich flavor, firm kernels, large size and unique shaping, not to mention improved yields and consistent quality. 我们所有的葵花籽开发都没有任何转基因来源.

Grower resources

As a member-owned cooperative, 没有一家皇冠hga010安卓二维码比CHS更接近其种植者,因为我们直接从拥有我们的生产者那里采购. Production, agronomy and marketing experts work alongside with growers, 从选择种子开始,持续到生产和收获. Our contract growers enjoy:

  • Proprietary Royal Hybrid® seed varieties
  • Agronomic advice and field visits
  • Crop informational meetings and bulletins
  • Marketing contracts to manage risk
  • Convenient locations for seed pick-up and delivery
  • Access to domestic and international markets

Grower delivery

签约种植者可在周一至周五上午7点通过预约直接交付给CHS.m. to 4 p.m. 在收获高峰或恶劣天气情况下,开放时间可能会有所改变. 直接致电地点确认时间或询问安排农场接送.

220 Clement Avenue
Grandin, N.D. 58038